1. Review the Import Keg Distribution Policy to ensure all policy requirments an be fulfilled before submitting an application.
2. Complete this online form to initiate the process and you will recieve an email with further instructions. If you do not recieve a response within 24 hours, please email lcbo-policy@lcbo.com as there may have been a technical issue with the form.
-Letter of Credit or a letter from a recognized financial institution that states they will issue a Letter of Credit pending approval of your application, in the amount of $200,000
-Proof of general liability insurance in the amount of $5,000,000
-AGCO Manufacturer's Representative License number or at least one letter of intent from an AGCO licensed Manufacturer's Representative that they will appoint you as their distributor
LCBO will only assess complete applications and successful applicants will be notified when a decision has been made.
4. If approved, review and sign the LCBO authorization and send a copy to lcbo-policy@lcbo.com .