VINTAGES by the Numbers
VINTAGES’ total sales reached $635.4M in 2019, +5.3% over the year before. VINTAGES' sales represent 9.3% of total LCBO sales.
Release catalogue distribution: over 73,300 copies, with 9200 of these going to
the retail locations every two weeks
Retail Release Program: $253.4M, same as last year; Retail Releases represent 39.9% of total Vintages sales.
Vintages Essentials Program hit $338.1M in 2019, +9.9% over 2018; Essentials represent 53.2% of total Vintages sales.
Bordeaux Futures, total annual sales for the Classics Collection, and other Direct Programs for fiscal 2018-19 were $43.9M, or +8.2% year-over-year; Direct Programs represent 6.9% of total Vintages sales.
Vintages Latest email bulletins have 64,359 subscribers and growing
Product Consultants: 296 in LCBO retail stores in September 2020