Sensory Testing Services
Quality Assurance department offers quality, reliable sensory evaluation services using highly trained professional sensory panels, automated data collection capability for the following sensory evaluation methods:
- Discriminative testing (e.g. Triangle test)
- Descriptive testing (e.g. LCBO Sensory Evaluation Grading Method)
- Accept/Reject Evaluation (LCBO Method)
Evaluations are performed on a wide range of beverage alcohol products and may be customized to meet individual client needs. Additional sensory evaluation methods may be considered, as applicable to the client needs.
If you want to learn more about these services, please contact us at AskQA
Sensory Evaluation Kits
Quality Assurance department offers Sensory Evaluation Kits for sensory panel training, demonstration purposes or sensory evaluation skills assessment. The following sensory evaluation kits are available upon request:
- Aroma Kits (wine and spirits)
- Wine Defect Aroma Kits
- Primary taste components kits
Kits are prepared upon customer request. Depending on the client request, Quality Assurance may be able to accommodate preparation of other sensory kits.
If you want to learn more about these services, please contact us at AskQA.